Welcome to Yaantra Retreat

About Us
Yaantra Retreat Initiate with extensive respect for the environment. Our property gives you serenity and tranquillity with a blanket of luxury ,comfort and privacy. You can feel mindfulness and peace in the lap of river BHAGIRATHI (GANGA) Yantra Retreat located approximately 80 km from Gangotri Dham and 160 km from the capital state Dehradun .Hidden away from the main road ,one must leave the beaten path and take a short drive through the bridge upon Ganges river. The property offer a panoramic view of the holy Mountains of Gangotri Dham and Harshil Valley. At the distance of just 2 km from our property ‘khedi waterfall Maneri ’ is situated which gives you the waves of vitality and zeal. The resort offers meticulously designed and well appointed Rooms that are bequeathed with impressive interiors . the guests are offered multi cuisine dining with an option of kitchen as well.