Yaantra Retreat Hotels seriously regards the issue of protecting your privacy on-line. In order to better acquaint yourself with our information gathering and dissemination practices for our site, please ensure you read the following so that you will understand our practices regarding this matter and how it may relate to you.
Yaantra Retreat uses cookies to keep track of your personal information including name, email, address, contact numbers and particulars of its online users. Your contact and personal information may reflect during a repeat visit to our website.
Personal and contact information are also used to contact the visitor when necessary and when there is any interesting subject which may relate to the customer’s interest based on their demographic information. However, users may opt out to receive future mailings by replying directly from the mailing campaign.
Policy on Disclosure of Material Events and Information
- Objective
The objectives of the Policy are:
- To ensure timely and adequate disclosure of material events and price sensitive information by Yaantra Retreat.
- To ensure that the information disclosed by the Yaantra Retreat is timely and transparent and that corporate documents and public statements are accurate and do not contain any misrepresentation, besides to protect the confidentiality of Material and Price sensitive information within the context of the Company’s? disclosure obligations.
- Scope
Information relating to material events and which is price sensitive in nature, shall be promptly disseminated to the Stock Exchanges.
As per Yaantra Retreat shall make disclosure of events specified based on application of the guidelines for materiality as specified in Regulation as follows:
- The omission of an event or information, which is likely to result in discontinuity or alteration of event or information already available publicly;
- The omission of an event or information is likely to result in significant market reaction if the said omission came to light at a later date;